REGURGITATE To Record New Songs For SKULLHOG Split Release

November 17, 2006

Swedish grindcore mainstays REGURGITATE have issued the following update:

"We have booked the weekend around December 2 to record some new songs. We expect to record 12-13 tracks to be used for our split with SKULLHOG (formerly BILE) and probably some more splits. More info about that later."

REGURGITATE recently announced the addition of bassist Johan Jansson (INTERMANT, UNCURBED, DEMONICAL, ex-CENTINEX) to the group's ranks. Jansson made his live debut with the group on on September 30 at Pub Bastun in Marihamn, Ă…land with MASSGRAV.

REGURGITATE's latest album, "Sickening Bliss", was released in North Amerca on October 17. The band's fourth release for Relapse, is said to be a return to form for these goregrind adherents, right down to the explicit lyrics, shocking art (click here to view) and gut-rumbling beats they are notorious for, all of which can be previewed via this "Sickening Bliss"e-card.

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